North Fork Sauk Falls, Charlie Duncan Photography
North Fork Sauk Falls, Charlie Duncan Photography

North Fork Sauk Falls Trail #660

The North Fork Sauk Falls is a must see destination on your visit to Darrington. While many waterfalls have a peak flow in the spring or early summer this waterfall has a steady year round flow and is constantly undergoing subtle changes. The trail to the spectacle is 0.2 mile of switchbacks descending 200 feet to the waterfall.  As you get close you see the mist rising from the canyon and hear the thundering and pounding as North Fork Sauk river is forced through a narrow rock canyon to make a 60 foot drop.

In late spring and early summer the waterfall is a frothy white with thick mist rising all around it.  Several early season tree casualties can be seen downstream along the rock walls.  In later summer the blues and greens of the deep pool below can be observed.  In a cold winter freeze the waterfall is all bedecked in icicles. When walking this trail please keep in mind that during the wet or icy season portions of this trail and the wooden steps to the vantage point can be extremely slippery.

During heavy runoff in late spring and early summer the waterfall is bursting from the gorge creating thick mist that rises all around it.  One can almost have a mystical experience just watching the water gush through the gap.

There is another waterfall further downstream which is not visible nor accessible from the trail.  Sometimes during heavy spring runoff if you listen you will be able to hear it rumbling off in the distance.

Views From North Fork Sauk Falls Trail

Getting there:  From the Darrington Ranger Station, take the Mountain Loop Highway, FSR #20, south, drive 17.0 miles, make a left onto Sloan Creek Road, FSR #49, drive up 1 mile.  There will be a pullout on the right side of the road.  This trailhead is sometimes lacking identification signs.

Type of trail: USFS
0.2 miles

Elevation: 1,400 – 1,500

Level of difficulty: easy

Best seasons: Spring, Summer & Fall – during winter during a hard freeze, this waterfall is gorgeous.  Many times during winter this road is blocked by snow and sometimes down trees.

Wilderness restrictions: No

Northwest Trail Pass required

Restroom: No

For more information:

Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest

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